Welcome to IFCL

The Indiana Friends Committee on Legislation exists as an instrument in the search for God’s will for Quakers who are wrestling with the social issues of our day. IFCL attempts to translate the social concerns of Friends into legislative action by advocating Quaker beliefs to Indiana legislators.

IFCL seeks to express the spirit of Christ and to relate our Christian Faith and Quaker Testimonies to the shaping of responsible decisions by our state Government.

Our purpose is to develop those conditions which allow for the working of the Holy Spirit.

We strive to express our social concerns through personal visits to and correspondence with Indiana legislators, as well as through testimony before legislative committees. We also believe we can be most effective through empowering individual Quakers and Friends Meetings to more capably share their concerns with legislators.

IFCL has monthly meetings during the Indiana General Assembly sessions to discuss legislative policies and issues and consider the best ways to participate in the legislative process. 

This organization is based solely on the voluntary participation of interested Quakers and other like-minded individuals. Monthly Meetings are encouraged to send representatives to attend IFCL meetings

The Indiana Friends Committee on Legislation does not claim to speak for all Friends. IFCL speaks for those who are involved in promoting its legislative policies. IFCL invites all individuals who support Quaker Testimonies to join its work.

The Indiana Friends Committee on Legislation is governed by Friends procedure and is open for those interested.