IFCL supports lead testing for preschool facilities

IFCL Gave Testimony in favor of HB1138 which passed second reading with a unanimous vote.

The Indiana Friends Committee stands in support of HB 1138 because our children are our legacy. As parents and community members, we want all children to reach their full potential and be thriving and healthy Hoosiers.

For children, exposure to even small amounts of lead can cause learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, speech, language and behavior problems and IQ scores 4-7 points below their peers.  For families, these effects will cause a lifetime of anxiety and treatment burden which can keep a child from a brighter future.

This is not only an urban problem.  Our rural communities frequently have limited data on the extent of lead poisoning. Many rural counties have the lowest percentage of blood level testing. According to the state lead report, some counties have not tested any children or less than 7%.  Testing childcare and preschool facilities tap water will give those communities better information about the risk of blood lead poisoning among our youngest and most vulnerable citizens.

While some may question whether Indiana can afford to perform testing on the many childcare and preschool facilities in the state, the cost pales in comparison for all the support services required to help a lead poisoned child become healthier and function optimally. 

The chair, Alan Morrison, congratulated Representative Jackson on her bill and looked forward to holding a vote on 3rd reading.

Mary Blackburn, IFCL Creation Care Advocate.