“Prayer for Democracy” Redistricting Event Attempts to Open Hearts and Minds

Activists and others were treated to a different kind of lunchtime diversion on June 7th. All IN for Democracy, a diverse coalition of organizations including IFCL seeking redistricting reform, put on a virtual event featuring faith leaders speaking to the importance of a fairer redistricting process. “Prayer for Democracy: Bringing Your Faith Community into the Redistricting Conversation” was attended by over 90 people.

Redistricting happens once a decade. In Indiana, it will occur this Fall when the General Assembly meets to draw new maps for state and Congressional districts in our state.

The Indiana Citizens Redistricting Commission (ICRC), an advisory commission formed by All IN for Democracy, held ten hearings across the state this spring to learn what the public thinks about redistricting. The ICRC recently published its findings in a report, delivered to the General Assembly, detailing what the public said is wrong with the current legislative districts and containing recommendations on how the legislature can draw districts to better serve the public interest, not political agendas.

The task now is to amplify the recommendations of the ICRC for a more open, transparent, and inclusive redistricting process this Fall.

“Prayer for Democracy” was an attempt to do this from a faith perspective. Why should this subject matter to people of faith? Emphasizing the theme everyone counts, six speakers from different faith traditions addressed why faith communities do care about redistricting, and how to talk with legislators about redistricting from a faith perspective. Attendees heard deeply-held testimonies and personal stories. The session ended with practical advice about appealing to legislators from a place of faith.

This is all part of an effort to build grassroots pressure for a different kind of redistricting this year: one which gives the public–not just politicians–a real say in how our districts are drawn. Please be a part of this growing movement for fair maps in Indiana. Share the “Prayer for Democracy” with your faith community.

Watch the event recording.