Making small, incremental steps was the message Tuesday, January 16, at the Indiana Statehouse as students, teachers, conservation allies and legislators celebrated the influence of the “Confront the Climate Crisis” team. This dedicated group of high school students is influencing even younger kids to get involved in environmental activism. Several of this group are high …
Check the link to get more information about affordable housing.
IFCL Plain Speaking November 22, 2023 was Organization Day, where legislative leaders gather at the statehouse to make opening statements for the upcoming session. Lobbyists and concerned citizens wait in the hallways, networking with each other and trying to catch a legislator as they pass by. House Leader Huston and Senate President Pro Tem Bray are …
Indiana Friends Committee on Legislation Meets with U.S. Senator Todd Young Phil Goodchild, Deb Goodchild, Clark Hadley and Diana Hadley met Monday, October 16, with U.S. Senator Todd Young on behalf of IFCL to discuss affordable housing issues. The group asked Senator Young to help more people get housed by expanding federal funding for Housing Choice Vouchers, and …
Lessons in Meeting with Your Legislators Mary Blackburn, Creation Care Advocate I had signed up to learn more about effectively reaching out to legislators by registering for a Hoosier Environmental Council webinar. My goodness, I ended up learning more than I expected! As a volunteer at HEC, I have been active in helping with multiple …
As part of the IFCL effort to focus on food insecurity and affordable housing for the 2024 Indiana General Assembly, Deb and Phil Goodchild and Diana and Clark Hadley attended the “Hope for the Working Hungry!” event at St Luke’s United Methodist Church Tuesday, August 29.Speakers reminded us, our fellow Hoosiers, the press and our …
Several people interested in Quaker lobbying met Saturday, July 29, 2023, at the Western Yearly Meeting IFCL session. The meeting included a report about the success of the column writing contest IFCL sponsored last spring and discussion of issues to support for the 2024 Indiana General Assembly. Phil Goodchild and Diana Hadley promoted affordable housing …
Photo: Diana Hadley, IFCL Clerk, attends a Greater Indianapolis Multifaith Alliance meeting to discuss legislative issues. It is that time of year when we begin to move past the recent legislative session and look toward the next one in 2024. The first opportunity for us to share ideas for 2024 priorities in person is during …
Photo: Jim Streisel, Carmel HiLite Adviser; Jillian Moore, HiLite Managing Editor, Phil Goodchild, Indiana Friends Committee on Legislation representative, Dr. Tim Phares, Carmel High School principal. Jillian Moore, Carmel High School senior and managing editor of the HiLite student online publication, is the recipient of a $1,000 first place award in the Indiana Friends Committee …
For information and talking points about from the two sides of the voucher debate click the link below.
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